Dealbet Cookie Policy

At Dealbet, we are committed to providing transparency and clarity regarding the way we use cookies on our platform. Cookies are essential for the smooth operation of our website, enhancing user experience, and ensuring that we deliver content tailored to your preferences. This policy outlines the various types of cookies we utilize, how they function, and the options available to manage them.

What are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files stored on your device when you visit a website. These files contain information that is used to remember your preferences, login details, and other customized settings. Cookies are widely employed across the internet to improve user experience by making interactions with websites more efficient and personalized.

  • Session Cookies: These cookies are temporary and are deleted once you close your browser. They help maintain your session as you navigate through different pages.
  • Persistent Cookies: These remain on your device for a set period or until you manually delete them. They are used to remember your preferences across multiple visits.
  • First-party Cookies: Set by the website you are visiting, these cookies track user interactions and remember settings specific to that site.
  • Third-party Cookies: These are placed by external services integrated into the website, such as analytics tools or advertising networks.
  • Secure Cookies: These cookies are only transmitted over secure connections (HTTPS), ensuring the data they contain is encrypted.

Understanding the different types of cookies is crucial for managing your online privacy and security. Each type of cookie serves a specific purpose, from maintaining a session to tracking user behavior for analytics.

Why Does Dealbet Use Cookies?

Cookies play a vital role in the functionality and user experience on the Dealbet platform. They enable us to remember your preferences, provide personalized content, and ensure that our services operate efficiently. Below, we break down the primary reasons Dealbet employs cookies.

  • Site Performance: Cookies help us monitor and improve the performance of our website, ensuring it loads quickly and runs smoothly.
  • User Preferences: We use cookies to remember your settings, such as language choice and display preferences, so you don’t have to reset them each time you visit.
  • Security: Certain cookies enhance the security of our platform by helping detect malicious activity and ensuring your account is protected.
  • Advertising: Cookies enable us to deliver targeted advertisements that are relevant to your interests, based on your browsing history and interactions on our site.
  • Analytics: We use cookies to gather data on how users interact with our platform, which helps us understand user behavior and improve our services accordingly.

By utilizing cookies for these purposes, we can provide a more personalized and efficient service to our users. Each category of cookies serves a unique role in enhancing the overall functionality and security of the Dealbet platform.

Types of Cookies Used on Dealbet

Dealbet employs a variety of cookies, each designed to enhance different aspects of your user experience. These cookies can be broadly categorized into four groups: essential, functional, performance, and targeting cookies.

Type of CookiePurposeExample
Essential CookiesThese are necessary for the website to function properly and cannot be disabled.Login sessions, security tokens
Functional CookiesThese cookies enable additional features, such as remembering your language preferences.Language settings, saved preferences
Performance CookiesUsed to collect information about how users interact with the website to improve its performance.Page load times, error tracking
Targeting CookiesThese are used to deliver advertisements that are relevant to your interests.Personalized ads, ad campaign effectiveness

Each type of cookie has a specific role, contributing to the overall functionality, personalization, and performance of the Dealbet platform. Whether it’s ensuring the security of your session or providing you with relevant content, these cookies are essential for a seamless user experience.

At Dealbet, we believe in giving our users control over their data. You can manage your cookie preferences through your browser settings or by using the cookie management tools provided on our site. Below are the steps to manage cookies on some popular browsers.

  • Google Chrome: Go to ‘Settings’ > ‘Privacy and security’ > ‘Cookies and other site data’. Here, you can customize your cookie settings.
  • Mozilla Firefox: Open ‘Options’ > ‘Privacy & Security’ > ‘Cookies and Site Data’. Adjust your preferences accordingly.
  • Safari: Select ‘Preferences’ > ‘Privacy’. Under ‘Cookies and website data’, choose how you want Safari to handle cookies.
  • Microsoft Edge: Navigate to ‘Settings’ > ‘Cookies and site permissions’. Here, you can manage your cookie preferences.
  • Opera: Go to ‘Settings’ > ‘Privacy & security’ > ‘Cookies’. Customize your settings to your liking.

By following these steps, you can have full control over the cookies stored on your device. Remember that disabling certain types of cookies may impact your experience on our site, particularly those necessary for its core functions.

Your consent is required for us to use non-essential cookies. When you first visit Dealbet, you will be prompted to accept or decline cookies. If you wish to change your consent at any time, you can do so by accessing our cookie settings or adjusting your browser settings.

  • Initial Consent: Upon your first visit, you will be presented with a cookie consent banner. Here, you can accept all cookies or customize your preferences.
  • Withdrawing Consent: If you decide to withdraw your consent, you can do so through our cookie management tool or by clearing your browser cookies.
  • Impact of Withdrawal: Please note that withdrawing consent for certain cookies may affect your experience on our site.
  • Cookie Settings: You can access the cookie settings at any time from the footer of our website.
  • Contact Support: If you have any questions or issues regarding cookie consent, our support team is available to assist you.

Your privacy and comfort are of utmost importance to us, which is why we provide flexible options to manage your cookie preferences. Whether you wish to accept all cookies or customize your settings, Dealbet ensures that you have the necessary tools at your disposal.


What are cookies and why are they used?

Cookies are small text files that websites store on your device to remember your preferences and enhance your browsing experience.

Can I disable cookies on Dealbet?
What happens if I disable essential cookies?
How can I change my cookie preferences?
Does Dealbet share cookie data with third parties?
Is my consent required for all cookies?